Rifle River 9/24/07
It was suppose to be a nice weekend and Amy wanted to do some fishing so we headed up to Rifle River. We left first thing on Saturday and arrived around lunch time. There were a fair number of people there but we had no problem getting a spot without reservations. We were first at this park earlier in the summer and really enjoyed it. As a bonus we had very warm weather. We went swimming on Saturday and I got the Kayak out and paddled around Grosehaven lake. Later in the evening I went on a several mile hike. There are great trails all over this park and also cheap wood near by. Swimming, trails and wood are the 3 thing I judge a park by :)
On Sunday it was a bit chilly in the morning and there was steam coming off the lake which was a really cool effect. We went over to one of the other lakes to do some fishing. I could see the trout in the water but they were not interested in what I was offering. After Lunch Amy & Mitchell went out fishing again.. Morgan and I went swimming again. I was nearly 4 before we left for the 3 hour trip home.. but a *very* enjoyable weekend.. Can't believe we were swimming this late in the season!
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